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Electronic Quill, Inc.
17000 S. Golden Rd
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 216-0766
(800) 627-7375


Q - When a trial version of eQuill is registered, is the client’s data lost when the registered version is installed?

A - The trial version of eQuill is a fully operational version of the software and when it is registered, all data which has been entered into the system is preserved.

Q - Can I use my own chart of accounts in eQuill instead of the standard chart of accounts that is included for each industry type?

A - Yes, the Chart of Accounts screen provides the ability to modify the chart of accounts, and once modified, it can be replicated for other clients.

Q - I have noticed that after a month has been closed, eQuill will not allow you to go back into that month. How can I change data in a closed month instead of making journal entries?

A - Accountants are provided a Superuser password that allows them to perform certain functions, such as reopening a closed month, that are not available to clients.

Q - Since the client cannot go back to a month that has been closed, how does the client make adjustments and corrections to transactions previously entered in eQuill?

A - To modify a transaction previously entered in the system, the user simply brings up the desired transaction in the current month, modifies the transaction as required, and then saves the modified transaction. If the transaction was originally entered in a previous period, eQuill will include in the current month's general ledger export, the corrected version of the transaction and a complete reversal of the original transaction.

Q - When eQuill performs a backup of the database it places the backup on the hard drive. How do I get a backup that I can take off site?

A - The eQuill database backup can be copied to a CD for offsite storage, or the database can be zipped and shipped to the accountant's web site automatically, via FTP

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